What is self care anyway?

What is self care exactly?

In a nutshell, it is taking actions and adopting attitudes that help you maintain your personal well-being. Maybe for you that means meditation, practicing gratitude, or simply taking a nice long bath! Self care is personal and different for everyone! An analogy that I use with patients all the time is the analogy of the oxygen mask on an airplane. During the safety demonstration the flight attendants always tell us to put our own mask on before helping someone else with their mask. Why is that? If we don’t have the “oxygen” we need to survive, we will be of no help to those around us. This analogy can be applied to self-care. If you don’t take time to rest, decompress and recharge you can’t show up 100% for those you love in your life.

What is NOT self care? – Waiting until stress is so overwhelming to initiate self care type actions is not always as effective long term. Practicing self care should be more of a preventative measure to keep you feeling happy and healthy. Adding more things to your to-do list or using self care in a selfish way is also not ideal. 

Are there different types of self care? – Yes! There are several general areas of self care including:

  • Environmental
    • This is an often over looked form of self care. Having an organized, well maintained environment, whether that be your bedroom, your work space or your vehicle it promote encourage relaxation, clarity and productivity. Examples include:
      • making your bed
      • organizing your work space
      • decluttering before going bed
      • limiting screen time
  • Emotional
    • This area of self care things like, managing stress, develop self compassion and having a healthy relationship with your emotions.
      • Establishing healthy boundaries
      • Learning to say “no”
      • Accepting your emotions
      • Exercising a gratitude practice
  • Financial
    • This is often downplayed and not really regarded as an act of self-care. Having a healthy relationship with your finances and being responsible with your spending can contribute to improved overall well being.
      • Creating a budget and sticking to it
      • Giving your money a job
      • Paying bills on time
      • Saving for big purchases, emergencies and for fun things like a vacation.
  • Physical
    • Involves taking care of your bodies physical needs and desires in a healthy and productive way. The keys to physical well being include: moving your body regularly, eating well, sleeping , hydration and sexual needs.
      • Sleeping in
      • Eating a healthy meal
      • Going for a run, walk or hike
      • Drinking water
      • Getting a massage
      • Getting regular Chiropractic adjustments
  • Social
    • This aspect of self-care is all about having fulfilling, supportive relationships.
      • Having social groups that you meet with regularly, outside of work and your romantic relationship
      • Asking for help
      • Spending quality time with friends and family
      • Limiting time with negative people

If you need support or have questions about your self-care routine, please reach out. We are here to help support you and your overall health and well being.